In between all the cooking and visiting this last Thanksgiving weekend I did some knitting. These are for my four-year-old niece's Christmas gift. I didn't use a pattern, just modified my usual roll-brim hat for a child's head and knitted a simple rectangle and crocheted strap for the bag. The bag also has a little heart shaped button closure which you can just about see at the top. Did I mention she likes pink?

This is something I finished a few days ago, knit from Icelandic wool, then felted. I found the rose and leaf patterns

I've lined it with quilting cotton and it has a snap closure. I think it's cute. The bag is again just a simple made-up pattern, and I crocheted the straps and attached them and did the side seams before felting the bag.
It has gotten quite cold here lately, and the cats want to be in the house overnight. I nearly tripped over one of them on my way to turn lights on in the living room this morning. He just looked at me and yawned. No sympathy there.
Hope you're all having a good week.
Lovely work Susan,
weather here is cold and miserable as well.
I'm sure that will be one very thrilled little girl - gorgeous knitted goodies :-)
Lovely knitteds Susan :o) The pink is beautiful.
You are so prolific, love the bags and those great socks.
Oh that felted bag is lovely and the pink set very cute. Typical cat behaviour!
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