Tuesday, January 15, 2008

deciding on a color scheme

I think I'm settling on a palette for my commissioned piece.
Mixed forest-y and gray greens with some coppery touches, and who knows where it will go after that. People ask me if I have a project all laid out in my mind before I start. The answer is yes and no. I can have an idea of a look I want to arrive at, but often the end product is quite apart from what I had imagined in the beginning. Flexibility of expectations is a good survival tool for me!

I like these bronzy coppery leaves against the green ones, and I'm planning to use heads similar to the one above somewhere in the design. I'm actually being disciplined and developing a design board instead of diving in headfirst, which is my initial inclination.

1 comment:

CG said...

Oh, I can't wait to see how this one emerges :)